HORST, the innovative startup that proposes technological solutions and services on research institutes and universities, in collaboration with A2ZEnergy, have been selected by the European Commission as the winner of HORIZON 2020 Phase 1 – a prestigious European award for research and innovation – thus benefiting from a 50.000-euro grand.

HORST and A2ZEnergy two startup innovative and cutting-edge technological SMEs, has closed one new agreement with Eversour


ce, a spin-off company of the University of Connecticut in U.S. for providing two new underwater acoustic systems and services, for an offshore windfarm project.

In addition, the CEO of HORST, Dr. Anagnostou Marios an experience scientist with more than 10-years scientific work on underwater acoustics and precipitation measurements in hydrological applications, started new discussions with a professor Ke Zhang from Hohai University, to prepare a proposal for deploying myPAL-NET (about twenty) in Tibet lakes to monitor precipitation and groundwater flows during summer and ice cracking/melting during the spring times.

We are really very proud to be one of the nine Greek companies to have received this prestigious grand at European level afte


r a very competitive peer revision of more than 2000 proposals, Marios and Andreas Koras (CEO of A2ZEnergy) said. Of course, we need to acknowledge our external expertise consultant on proposal writing Kristjan ZEMLJIČ and his support team from Global Disruption for their great support and consulting on how to write a winning proposal on a very competitive environment, as is the H2020-SME-Instrument-Phase-1.

Please chec


k video bellow where the CEO oh HORST, Dr. Anagnostou discuss with his consultant Kristjan from Global Disrupt


ion h


ow his proposal won.

For more information please write at info@horst.gr